Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to depart from Toronto on its maiden voyage destined for Rochester, N.Y. and Murdoch thinks they should stay on board, especially after he sees that Julia is one of the invited guests. Their presence proves useful after MacFarlane's daughter Amy, who is engaged to her father's chief financial officer Owen Mathers, falls overboard and is nowhere to be found. As Murdoch investigates he finds there is a real threat against the Keewatin and the true facts behind Amy's disappearance.
在新登场的第七季中,导演延续了其经久不衰的超人题材,而几名主要角色的生活和战斗剧情,也将该剧打造成了一部动作大片。在本季中,Clark Kent和Lex Luthor之间的关系急转直下,成为势不两立的敌人,而这一情节在超人漫迷中广为人知,也备受推崇。 第七季还邀请了另外几名超人扮演者友情客串,为该剧增色不少,定能让观看者激动不已。 本季中Clark将揭示更多关于其故乡星球的秘密,他的身生父母究竟是谁,他的未来旅途将会如何,以及他为什么被送到了地球。 在上一季的末尾,Lana向Lex质问他的谎言,并坦呈她仍深爱着Clark,为此她决意离开Lex。Lana之后转向Clark寻求安慰,却被Lionel胁迫嫁给Lex,Clark一路追踪Lionel并彻底粉碎了他的阴谋。正在此时,Martian Manhunter (由Phil Morris友情出演)现身,他向Clark解释道Lionel并非敌人,而是同伴。他们的目的是阻止Lex找到Phantom Zone监狱的最后一名逃亡者,Lex妄图获取wraith的DNA以制造他的超人军队。与此同时,为了摧 了摧毁Lex,Lois (Erica Durance饰,蝴蝶效应2)决定实施自己的行动方案。当她在Lex的基地Reeves水坝周围探查情报时,不幸遇上基地警卫并受到攻击,奄奄一息 之际她向Chloe(Allison Mack饰,别惹蚂蚁)发出求救,姗姗来迟的Chloe找到了弥留的Lois,心灰意冷的Chloe抱住了Lois,并释放了自己的潜在能量。 Lois被治愈了,而Chloe却因转嫁了Lois的致命伤而死亡。Lana在离镇时所驾的车辆发生爆炸,警方在Lex的基地以谋杀的罪名逮捕了Lex。 为了向Clark发起攻击,wraith创造了Clark最强大的敌人--Bizarro。两名超人的终极决斗将Reeves水坝付之一炬,大水袭来,每 个人都危在旦夕。 在这一季中Clark将面临有史以来最艰难的挑战。Bizarro是专为摧毁Clark而制造的,因此势必要斗个你死我活;可怕的事故夺去了Clark 的挚爱;Clark的养母Martha (Annette O'Toole饰, 超人II)离开了华盛顿;而最大的考验则来自Clark19岁的姐姐,女超人Kara(新人Laura Vandervoort饰)。 水坝被破坏时,Kara的飞船受到冲击飞离了地球。少女Kara为照看被送到地球的弟弟Kal-El而离开了Krypton星。在飞船中Kara停止了 生长,因此到达地球后,反而被已长大成人的弟弟照料。Kara对地球文化非常迷恋,且时不时忘记隐藏自己的超能力。她的年轻冲动数次将她置于危险的境地, 最终被Lex的雷达暴露所在。 Lana的死使得Lex重新审视自己的生活。他自愿入狱服刑,开始帮助他人,秘密军队也被解散。但他开始关注kara和她的飞船,尽管他尚未意识到两者 的关联。与此同时,Lex与Lionel仍维持着尴尬的父子关系。他们互相猜疑,Lex很清楚Lionel向自己隐瞒了许多消息,并且参与了摧毁秘密军队 的行动。两人不遗余力地与对方周旋,期待着某一方沉不住气,从而终止两人的父子关系。 Lois Lane对Lex的悔过自新仍抱着怀疑态度。在秘密军队对她的亲友造成巨大伤害后,Lois便发誓要击溃亿万富翁Lex。Lois的事业也蒸蒸日上,新上 任的星球日报主编Grant Gabriel (Michael Cassidy友情出演)非常赏识她积极的工作态度,并聘她为星球日报的明星记者。尽管在记者生涯上大展手脚,Lois却为自己抢了Chloe的风头而心 生愧疚。 对 Chloe而言,与Lois的竞争失败并非最糟的事。她一边费力帮助Clark隐藏身份,一边要向Jimmy(Aaron Ashmore饰, 圣诞小屋) 隐瞒自己新生的超能力,她害怕Jimmy一旦获知真相便会弃她而去。然而,Chloe一再推迟调查报告的行为,以及她和Clark的关系,使得Jimmy 对两人的感情产生了怀疑,转而对Kara衍生好感。尽管Chloe在过去几年中一直鼓励Clark向Lana表明自己的真实身份,然而当自己面临同样处境 时,她却无法向Jimmy坦呈自己已被感染,唯恐Jimmy因此抛弃自己。 电视剧超人前传由Alfred Gough和Miles Millar(代表作龙旋风, 蜘蛛人2)导演,重新诠释了超人传奇。该片由Alfred Gough和Miles Millar监制,其他主创人员包括Ken Horton, Kelly Souders Brian Peterson, Todd Slavkin,Darren Swimmer, James Marshall, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins和Joe Davola。由罗宾斯制作公司,MillarGough Ink 和华纳兄弟联合发行。人物原型由Jerry Siegel和Joe Schuster创造。
这是一部著名歌手和演员 Jane Birkin (珍.宝金)的电影画像。我们发现各式各样的珍.宝金,在各种不同的季节,在各种不同的状况。还包括其它的珍:圣女贞德、泰山的珍、法国著名男歌手 Gainsbourg ,也就是珍.宝金的丈夫的珍……
马丁(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)与罗格(Danny Glover 饰)这对儿老搭档再次出马,但是一开场就将歹徒的炸弹引爆毁掉了整座大楼,罗格退休前一星期的生活就这样开始了。第二天,两人在街上偶遇假冒解款人员的匪徒,一番苦战将对方擒获,但是警队却将此案移交内政部美丽的女探员劳娜(Rene Russo 饰)负责。关押中的犯人被警察查韦斯射杀,马丁追捕对方但终于错失。罗格在一次街头枪战中射杀了儿子的好友,满心愧疚让他暂时离开调查。马丁与劳娜的组合逐步介入了案件幕后一起武器贩卖集团的交易,该集团实力强大,与近期的大宗枪支失窃案有密切关系,马丁的出现,打乱了对方的步骤。很快罗格归队,三人向犯罪集团发起了最后的冲击。 本片获1993年MTV电影奖最佳动作场面奖。
Cabella Oil and Brandini's have been competing oil ranches for decades. However, it wasn't always this way. Founders Raphael Brandini and Frank Cabella once worked harmoniously together, until their relationship fractured, causing them to split their joint ranch into two. Feisty and competitive heir to homegrown operated Cabella Oil, Nicole Cabella is determined to prove she's ready to take the reins of her family's business. And she's all set to initiate a renovation plan that will allow her to expand Cabella to the next level. All set, until Jake Brandini re-appears in Sunset Valley, that is. Corporate attorney Jake is sidetracked from his day-job when he's called back to the juggernaut Brandini ranch due to a family emergency. While there, Jake identifies a land dispute at the border between the Cabella and Brandini properties. Having been neglectful to his own family company, he decides to win back the land for them. In doing so, he re-ignites the rivalry between both factions, as Nicole refuses to concede to his claim on the land. Instead of pursuing a long and costly court battle, the local Sunset Valley judge proposes an unconventional manner of deciding the land's ownership whichever ranch wins the annual Sunset Valley Olive Oil Competition wins the land. The Brandini's have won three consecutive years, so Jake is confident in accepting the challenge, though he personally has no experience manufacturing oil. On the other hand, Nicole has oil in her blood, but she'll have to conquer her own self-doubt if she wants to be victorious. As Jake and Nicole work towards creating their respective olive oil submissions, while enjoying the annual Fall Festival as they do, they discover they may have more in common than they realized - and sparks begin to fly.
晶妹(温明娜 饰)的母亲宿愿(翘征 饰)生前讲过一个有关鹅毛的故事。宿愿过世后,好友林冬(周采芹 饰)、安梅(卢燕 饰)、映映(阮兰丝 饰)联系上了宿愿早年失散的双胞胎女儿。晶妹决定远渡重洋与两位姐姐相认,众人齐聚宿愿家为晶妹践行。聚会上,林冬、映映、安梅各自忆起了被母(奚美娟 饰)抛弃、杀死亲子、等候母亲(邬君梅 饰)的往事,而三人女儿钟韦弗利(富田谭玲 饰)、琳娜(劳伦·汤姆 饰)、罗丝(赵家玲 饰)的婚姻也深受各自母亲的影响。聚会后,晶妹的父亲(冀朝理 饰)讲述了宿愿遗弃双胞胎的真相……
When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil.