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简介:Aspirations and the lives of several people working at the gigantic Seacoast National Bank Building interweave in various plots. The most notable character is David Dwight, the womanizing bank owner who keeps his estranged wife happy by paying for her extravagant globetrotting. Dwight's long time secretary Sarah yearns for them to divorce so her affair with him can be legitimized. Sarah shows her good side by playing mother to the young innocent Lynn Harding, who she employs as an assistant. Beautiful Miss Harding is relentlessly pursued by extroverted bank teller Tom Sheppard, but he is frustrated when Dwight lures her away with power and wealth. Then Dwight ruins everyone's finances in a successful bid to get full control of his skyscraper by manipulating the company's stock price. Now there doesn't appear to be anyone who can prevent the power monger from taking advantage of the ingenue Harding-or is there
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简介:San Francisco Tong hatchet man Wong must execute his boyhood friend Sun. Sun knew his time was up and wrote out his will just prior to Wong showing up at his door. When Sun realizes Wong is there to kill me he tries to set his friend's mind at ease by telling him he is the beneficiary of all Sun's worldly possessions and convinces Wong to promise to take care of Sun's young daughter, Toya San who Sun has bequeathed to become his wife. Years later, when she becomes of age, she marries Wong, now a powerful figure, though she loves evil Harry. When Wong learns Toya will be happier with Harry he allows them to leave. Still later Wong learns that Harry has been deported and since Toya could not prove she was married to someone else she too was deported to China. When Wong learns of this, he goes after them.
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简介:梅根(芭芭拉·斯坦威克 Barbara Stanwyck 饰)和未婚夫琼斯(沃尔特·康诺利 Walter Connolly 饰)即将携手步入婚姻的殿堂。琼斯是一名虔诚的基督教徒,为了传教,梅根跟随琼斯来到了中国。一场意外中,两人在误打误撞之下闯入了军事禁区,就此解释了颜将军(尼尔斯·阿斯瑟 Nils Asther 饰),三人之间结下了深厚的友谊。 随着时间的推移,颜将军渐渐爱上了天真烂漫的梅根,两人之间的距离越来越近。颜将军在事业上受到了重创,导致了众叛亲离的下场,在这危机时刻,梅根选择不离不弃的陪伴在颜将军的身旁。可是,颜将军误以为梅根这么做是为了自己的未婚夫,这误会导致两人的感情产生了裂痕。
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简介:把罗马焚城后,惨无人道的暴君尼禄(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)将矛头指向基督徒,开始大规模肆意捕杀基督徒。不仅如此,尼禄更颁布了法令把抓获的基督徒送往竞技场。罗马最高军事军官马库斯(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric March 饰)奉命残杀这些捕获的基督徒。被抓的基督徒中有两名老者准备逃跑,马库斯本欲逮捕他们,然而当马库斯看到他们的继女麦西卡(爱丽莎·兰迪 Elissa Landi 饰)时,情不自禁地一见倾心。楚楚动人的麦西卡,马库斯很快与她坠入爱河不能自拔,随之下令释放了所有基督徒。马库斯的这一举动,不仅激怒了暴君尼禄,更让一直暗恋他的皇后帕亚(克劳黛·考尔白 Claudette Colbert 饰)醋意大发,心生嫉妒。
- 0.0HD中字
简介:Haunted by the memory of Walter Holderlin, a soldier he killed during World War I, French musician Paul Renard (Phillips Holmes) confesses to a priest (Frank Sheridan), who grants him absolution. Using the address on a letter he found on the dead man's body, Paul then travels to Germany to find his family. As anti-French sentiment continues to permeate Germany, Dr. Holderlin (Lionel Barrymore) initially refuses to welcome Paul into his home, but changes his mind when his son's fiancée Elsa identifies him as the man who has been leaving flowers on Walter's grave. Rather than reveal the real connection between them, Paul tells the Holderlin family he was a friend of their son, who attended the same musical conservatory he did. Although the hostile townspeople and local gossips disapprove, the Holderlins befriend Paul, who finds himself falling in love with Elsa (Nancy Carroll). When she shows Paul her former fiancé's bedroom, he becomes distraught and tells her the truth. She convinces him not to confess to Walter's parents, who have embraced him as their second son, and Paul agrees to forego easing his conscience and stays with his adopted family. Dr. Holderlin presents Walter's violin to Paul, who plays it while Elsa accompanies him on the piano. The film's original title, The Man I Killed, was changed to The Fifth Commandment to avoid giving wrong impressions in the minds of the public about the character of the story. It ultimately was released as Broken Lullaby.
- 0.0HD中字
简介:在柏林的一家大饭店里。那时整个德国笼罩着经济危机的阴影。在豪华的大饭店里麇集许多来自不同阶层的人物。其中有陷入困境而避风头的财界巨擘普莱辛格,无奈色衰而想自尽的芭蕾舞演员格鲁辛斯卡娅,被赌博弄得倾家荡产而偷窃为生的旧男爵冯盖根,普莱辛格的旧属风烛残年的孤老克林格兰,以及年轻漂亮但贪婪自私的速记员弗兰苓等。 这部第5届奥斯卡最佳影片是米高梅在30年代初期首创“全明星电影”的代表作。全片以柏林的一家豪华大饭店为人生舞台,表现五组人物在同一天之中的离奇遭遇。叙事手法虽然中规中矩,但几位大明星的表演却相当精彩,充分掌握角色的个性和处境,其中有:面临事业危机的俄国芭蕾舞女星、嗜赌的男爵、患上绝症的小人物、企业家等。这些角色以三线交错的方式上演着人生的悲欢离合,剧情发展流畅,场景虽然局限在大饭店中,但人物穿梭流动自然。故事在后来的《柏林饭店》(Hotel Berlin)和《琼楼风月》(Weekend at the Waldorf)中再度出现,并被改编成百老汇歌舞剧。
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简介:为了摆脱贫穷的生活,清冈球江(冈田嘉子 饰)抛弃了丈夫渥美俊荣(奈良真养 饰)和尚在襁褓中的女儿滋子,只身远赴好莱坞影视圈发展。在此后的岁月里,渥美投资渔业公司,生意越做越大,与此同时还迎娶温柔贤惠的真砂子(筑波雪子 饰)为妻。真砂子视滋子(小岛寿子 饰)若己出,滋子也深爱这个美丽的母亲,一家人的生活何其幸福。 某天,功成名就的球将返回阔别已久的日本,此行的目的只有一个,那便是找回失却的女儿。就在此时,渥美的公司陷入财政危机,球江希望借机注资以得到女儿,却遭到前夫的拒绝。不久,公司倒闭,渥美一家的生活充满困顿。而两位母亲针对女儿的争夺也渐渐激烈……
- 0.0HD中字
简介:杰瑞(克拉克·盖博 Clark Gable 饰)是一个叱咤赌场的老千,因为出千被发现了,杰瑞遭到了警方的追捕。无奈之下,杰瑞躲到了小镇格兰戴尔内避风头,在这里,杰瑞邂逅了名叫康尼(卡洛·朗白 Carole Lombard 饰)的女孩。美丽单纯的康尼很快就吸引了杰瑞的注意,风流成性的杰瑞对她开展了热烈的攻势。 康尼虽然年轻,但并不是傻子,她甚至杰瑞花花公子的本性,对她提防有加。最终,两人打算靠着抛硬币来决定他们的关系,结果,硬币停在了结婚的那一面。愿赌服输,就这样,杰瑞和康尼携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。在往后的日子里,康尼逐渐了解到了杰瑞不为人知的过去。